Saturday, 15 August 2009

My Useless Thoughts begins, minus part 1 & 2

Well my useless thoughts did start off with part 1 and part 2 written a while back, but there would be no point going back to it now, would there? Guess i have to just add part 3!

Well i think this is part 3 as i clearly remember doing a part 2 but cant find it anywhere... it is most possibly on the work laptop but i do distinctly remember emailing it to myself so that i cam keep them all in the one spot... but oh well, i guess its just not meant to be for now but i will call this part 3 either way.

Just got back from Australia and i am completely and utterly jet lagged, the only reason why i know this is that hubby and i are awake at 5am, I struggled to sleep in til 7 today. I must say that having longer days because i am not sleeping in for most of it is a joy, but then it seems like the days drag. Home was so good, neither hubby nor i wanted to come back but i guess we had no choice but am really looking forward to going home permanently within 6 months. Things haven't changed much back home other than the kids growing but hey i guess that's what kids do best. You sort of slip right back into your old routines when your there, but i sure as hell miss it.

We are back in Abu Dhabi now with the repetitive heat and i don't think things have changed much here which isn't really a good thing as this place NEEDS to change. The heat hits u like a gale force wind and you find it hard to breathe, guess it will take some getting use to again, especially since Melbourne was so cold!

Again, i don't know the point of this, i am thinking maybe its a good release and that's about all, something like keeping a diary i guess but nothing to personal. Just the thoughts that are running around through my head like wild fire... never ends does it? sometimes i wish i could stop thoughts but it never does cause then you're actually thinking of stopping them and how to stop them so it befits the purpose. Seriously contemplating on starting a blog but i don't know. It will make my days pass i guess and then i guess there will be somewhere permanent where all these useless thoughts of mine will be kept.... ahhhh my life is so exciting! Mind you i must say that i don't have to go to work tomorrow which is a joy and i officially start on Monday... will be draining I'm sure but hey, one extra day off so I'm not complaining.

Some TV program on TV that seems to be completely useless.. like my thoughts i guess... loll but that made it on TV wonder if my thoughts will... hahha. Still i have work to do, have to put the second load of washing on the line and then put the 3rd load in... the joys of coming back from a holiday is all the washing that has to be done later on but i guess i shouldn't complain... at least i got to go see family and friends.

I think i should stop for now as i seem to be thinking about what to write and that befits the whole purpose of this... this is all about just writing what comes to your head. Wonder where mum and dad are? haven't seen them online at all today! gone and forgotten maybe?? somehow doubt it....

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